Every week my husband and I try a new breakfast spot in Calgary. I'd love to share the experience with you. I'll include where we went, what we ate, what we thought of the restaurant and a link if you're interested in trying them out!

Reading is a passion of mine and in the past, I've shared some of my favourite reads. My reading interests have changed over the years and although I still enjoy a good self-help book, fiction is a solid second.

There you have it! Two of my favourite things, eating out and reading!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Being Present

I'm a huge fan of Pema Chodron and Eckhart Tolle .  During the holiday season these are such good teachers to pay attention to.  There are really so few things that can upset our equilibrium when we are totally present to whatever is occurring.  Byron Katie is also one of my favorite teachers.  Her focus is on the stories we tell ourselves that distort our ability to be present to what is taking place.

Give yourself a great gift this holiday season and either buy their books or watch some of their discussions on YouTube.

Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Last weekend I attended a Basic ThetaHealing course which is based on the work of Vianna Stibal
This is the most amazing healing work that I have encountered!  Theta Healing: Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality  I would encourage anyone who is looking for a deeper understanding of the energy that creates healing to do some research on this.

Friday, November 5, 2010

New Book from Esther and Jerry Hicks

This new book on the Teachings of Abraham is what we've been waiting for.  The how-to of getting into the "vortex" and raising our vibration enough to ignite change.  Plus, a meditation CD......"it is a faster way for you to release resistance, some of it that you have been carrying around for most of your life. It is a faster way of using the energy that creates worlds to help you to get from where you are to the improved state of being that you prefer."

Get the book and let's get started!!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

New Kryon book 12 RELEASED

This is the twelfth book in the Kryon series. Three years in the making, it is the first book of its kind, and may eventually define the more than 20 year Kryon lineage. DNA is our chemical blueprint, but the Human Genome Project found that over ninety percent of it is not coded. In fact, only approximately four percent creates the 23,000 genes in the Human body. The rest? It's a puzzle to the extreme, and to this day there is no answer why most of DNA seems to have no symmetry or codes of any kind. In fact, it seems to be random.

Kryon has now given us full channelled explanation of this, and brings it right into the quantum world. Is it possible that DNA is mostly quantum instructions - information that speaks to the Human body? And if so, what's in those instructions that comprise over 2.7 billion chemicals per DNA double helix?

Here is a full revelation of the twelve layers, or energies of DNA, complete with full color channelled illustrations of each layer by American-Israeli artist Elan Dubro-Cohen. Could it be that our entire Akashic record is carried in our DNA? What else might be represented? It starts to make sense, and the most recent discoveries of quantum physics only enhances the potentials of this quantum molecule.

With a foreword by DNA researcher Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, this book is an esoteric breakthrough. Lee Carroll narrates throughout, and Kryon presents the actual energies of DNA.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Book "I Am The Word"

I Am The Word  Just reading this Channeled Book and, WOW!  This is an amazing vehicle to literally raise your vibration.  Affirmations and exercises abound.  How to identify core beliefs (Boulders) that block our view of the Divine Nature of all around us are so simple yet so profound.  Intention and the use and power of it will literally change the way you think!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Moojie in Satsang

A couple of years ago I discovered Moojie.  Please check this link out and find out how enlightened this man is.  He talks about our ability to free ourselves from the limited mental constructs that imprison us.  Moojie has no "machinery" behind him and his only public vehicles are his web site and You Tube.  He has authored one book which is available through his website  Moojie

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kryon chanelling and Dr. Amber Wolf

When Lee Carroll was in Calgary this Spring he invited Dr. Amber Wolf to join him. Dr. Wolf is an intuitive and energy healer who has produced several lovely CDs.

I'm going to refer to one called Alpha healing Access in which she guides the listener through a series of relaxation and breathing exercises that help access alpha brain waves - inducing relaxation and receptivity.

This is a powerful CD and induces a deep relaxation. Almost all sensation of physical presence is suspended and a great feeling of peace envelopes - this is a keeper!