The Holotropic mind
Stanislav Grof (born July 1, 1931 in Prague, Czechoslovakia) is a
psychiatrist, one of the founders of the field of transpersonal
psychology and a pioneering researcher into the use of non-ordinary
states of consciousness for purposes of exploring, healing, and
obtaining growth and insights into the human psyche. Grof received the
VISION 97 award granted by the Foundation of Dagmar and Václav Havel in
Prague on October 5, 2007.
Sanislav Grof's new book is a moving journey into the depths and heights
of the human psyche. Based on thirty-five years of consciousness
research-originally with psychoactive substances, then with a powerful
non-drug technique, Holotropic Breathwork ™--this work represents the
most extensive mapping of inner space compiled to date. Edited with the
help of a professional writer this is also one of the most accessible
of Grof's writing, appealing both to the interested beginner and the
veteran explorer.Grof's research suggests that profound healing
happens automatically when people enter certain non-ordinary states of
consciousness that are intrinsic to their own being. The process
usually begins with a working through of emotionally charged memories
from the lifetime. Eventually it deepens into a confrontation with
biological birth and the inevitability of death, sequences that are
intermixed with historical, karmic, and archetypal themes. Finally the
process opens out into ecstatic transpersonal and spiritual realms,
beyond the boundaries of individual consciousness. This book is full of
fascinating case histories of people who have had the courage to look
beneath the surface of everyday reality
Reading is a passion of mine and in the past, I've shared some of my favourite reads. My reading interests have changed over the years and although I still enjoy a good self-help book, fiction is a solid second.
There you have it! Two of my favourite things, eating out and reading!