Every week my husband and I try a new breakfast spot in Calgary. I'd love to share the experience with you. I'll include where we went, what we ate, what we thought of the restaurant and a link if you're interested in trying them out!

Reading is a passion of mine and in the past, I've shared some of my favourite reads. My reading interests have changed over the years and although I still enjoy a good self-help book, fiction is a solid second.

There you have it! Two of my favourite things, eating out and reading!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Magic by Rhonda Byrne

The Magic by Rhonda Byrne is, for lack of a more original word,  magic!  This is the creator of the movie, The Secret, and author of The Power.

 So, what is the magic? Gratitude!!

The Magic includes 28 exercises intended to evoke the energy/frequency vibration of gratitude. "Gratitude is a feeling. So the ultimate aim in practicing gratitude is to deliberately FEEL it as much as you can, because it's the force of your feeling that accelerates the magic in your life." I and my book club members have been reading The Magic and doing the exercises for a month. Each one of us have had experiences that have opened our hearts and deepened our understanding of the POWER of gratitude.

 I highly recommed the Magic not just as a read, but as an experience!